Dentist - Tampa, FL
Surgery Equipment

Dental Vibe
Discover the Future of Pain-Free Dental Injections Today!
DentalVibe is a patented, award-winning multipurpose clinical instrument designed to alleviate intra-oral injection pain. It is a cordless, rechargeable, hand held device that delivers soothing, pulsed, percussive micro-oscillations to the site where an injection is being administered. Its proprietary VibraPulse technology gently stimulates the sensory receptors at the injection site, effectively closing the neural pain gate, blocking the pain of injections.
The Revolutionary Solution to Dentistry's #1 Challenge: Patient Anxiety About Pain
When you consider that 50% of Americans avoid dental care entirely due to the fear of pain, the use of DentalVibe will reduce patient anxiety by eliminating injection pain, and bring those patients back into the dental office for the care they desperately need and elective treatments they truly desire.

Diode Laser
The Diode Laser is a great tool for shaping the gums and removing bacteria from the periodontal pocket, the space between the gums and tooth. Dental cleanings performed with diode laser therapy significantly improve the success of healing the gums.
Inflammation, bleeding, pocket depths, and the amount of bacteria are all greatly reduced as opposed to just scaling and polishing the teeth alone. Best of all, laser therapy has been shown to improve circulation and increase the components that speed healing, referred to as Biostimulation. With any oral procedure or surgery, Biostimulation reduces pain and swelling and can help your mouth recover more quickly.

Schedule an appointment today!