Tomlinson Dental

Dentist - Tampa, FL

Meet The Mascot

Meet Henry Jr.

Henry, Jr. has been the office mascot for 3 years, following in the foot steps of his parents - the late Henrietta and Henry, Sr. He was born on the office grounds during a record breaking Tampa winter - the lone survivor of his brood of 11.

When he's not crowing, *ahem* cheering at the office team upon arrival and departure, you can find him supervising operatories through the rear entrance, inspecting the parking lot for cleanliness, or eating snacks with Dr. T, Mr. Stewart and Bonnie. He is also an early riser, retiring to his tree at 6pm in preparation for the next work day.

Recently, he's taken on a new role - New Patient Recruitment as he has recently begun to stop bikers and passersby.

How did you hear about us? road by on bicycle and rooster ran across road

Pro Tip: He absolutely LOVES bananas and that's the surest way to get a warm welcome!